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Showing posts from June, 2019

Strip Search, Episode 20 - Will Henry of 'Wallace the Brave'

Will Henry (center) joined Pete and Dave in downtown Boston for the latest "Strip Search" podcast. [Photo by Steve McGinn] We know it always sounds like we're having fun on "Strip Search: The Comic Strip Podcast," but it's rare that we have THIS much fun recording a new episode. But that's what happened when we met Will Henry (a.k.a. Will Henry Wilson) of " Wallace the Brave " fame in downtown Boston for our June 2019 podcast. We met up with Will at the monthly National Cartoonists Society lunch gathering at the Beerworks on Canal Street, and he stuck around afterwards to talk about his journey to national syndication, his technique for drawing and coloring "Wallace the Brave," his upcoming projects, his influences and, of course, the Boston Bruins -- being as we were within a slap-shot's distance of the TD Garden. (The street noises might make you nostalgic for the streets of Boston, or may just give you a headache.) And...