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Showing posts from August, 2018

Strip Search, Episode 10 - Steve McGinn

Steve McGinn (center) joined Pete Chianca and Dave London on Strip Search this month.  If you know us you know we appreciate some good, old-fashioned off-kilter humor, and there are few cartoonists working today whose kilter is as off as Steve McGinn of Toons by Stev-o . Steve's panels are developing a following on Facebook and publications like Funny Times , and he's also taken to popping in unannounced at the New Yorker. (The word "stalking" comes to mind.) Hear his take on these and other cartooning topics in this month's episode of Strip Search, and see some of his work at the bottom of this post. Also, we discuss the announcement of a new movie based on the comic strip "B.C.," and pick our favorite comic strip movies, including "Popeye," "Dick Tracy" and (naturally) "Flash Gordon." Listen in below! And don't forget to check out the latest edition of Comic Strip Cartoonist magazine -- this issue featuring o...